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    Alternatives to Animal Testing

    Alternatives to Animal Testing

    Hajime Kojima (Editor)Troy Seidle (Editor)Horst Spielmann (Editor)

    This open access book presents recent advances in the pure sciences that are of significance in the quest for alternatives to the use of animals in research and describes a variety of practical applications of the three key guiding principles for the more ethical use of animals in experiments – replacement, reduction, and refinement, collectively known as the 3Rs. Important examples from across the world of implementation of the 3Rs in the testing of cosmetics, chemicals, pesticides, and biologics, including vaccines, are described, with additional information on relevant regulations. The coverage also encompasses emerging approaches to alternative tests and the 3Rs. The book is based on the most informative contributions delivered at the Asian Congress 2016 on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences. It will be of value for those working in R&D, for graduate students, and for educators in various fields, including the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sciences, pharmacology, toxicology, and animal welfare. The free, open access distribution of Alternatives to Animal Testing is enabled by the Creative Commons Attribution license in International version 4: CC BY 4.0.This open access book presents recent advances in the pure sciences that are of significance in the quest for alternatives to the use of animals in research and describes a variety of practical applications of the three key guiding principles for the more ethical use of animals in experiments – replacement, reduction, and refinement, collectively known as the 3Rs. Important examples from across the world of implementation of the 3Rs in the testing of cosmetics, chemicals, pesticides, and biologics, including vaccines, are described, with additional information on relevant regulations. The coverage also encompasses emerging approaches to alternative tests and the 3Rs. The book is based on the most informative contributions delivered at the Asian Congress 2016 on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences. It will be of value for those working in R&D, for graduate students, and for educators in various fields, including the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sciences, pharmacology, toxicology, and animal welfare. The free, open access distribution of Alternatives to Animal Testing is enabled by the Creative Commons Attribution license in International version 4: CC BY 4.0.

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    This open access book presents recent advances in the pure sciences that are of significance in the quest for alternatives to the use of animals in research and describes a variety of practical applic

    معلومات إضافية:



    تاريخ الإصدار

    01 يناير 2019

    Hajime Kojima (Editor)Troy Seidle (Editor)Horst Spielmann (Editor)

    ردمك -الرقم الدولي المعياري للكتب-


    عن المؤلفين:

    Hajime Kojima (Editor)
    Hajime Kojima (Editor)

    National Institute of Health Sciences Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan. Dr. Hajime Kojima is currently working as Secretary General at Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (JaCVAM) & Section Chief, Division of Risk Assessment, Biological Safety Research Center, National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS), Japan. He has completed his Ph.D. in Information Science from Nagasaki University, Japan. He also served as Researcher or Manager at Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co, Ltd, and Fellow of National Institute of Genetics. He has published 65 research articles in SCI journals.

      Hajime Kojima (Editor)
      Troy Seidle (Editor)
      Troy Seidle (Editor)

      Humane Society International Montreal, QC, Canada.  

      Troy Seidle (Editor)
      Horst Spielmann (Editor)
      Horst Spielmann (Editor)

      Institut für Pharmazie Free University of Berlin Berlin, Germany.  

      Horst Spielmann (Editor)

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