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    Norwegian Shipping in the 20th Century :Norway's Successful Navigation of the World's Most Global Industry

    Norwegian Shipping in the 20th Century :Norway's Successful Navigation of the World's Most Global Industry

    Stig Tenold

    This book is open access under a CC BY NC ND 4.0 license. This open access book discusses how Norwegian shipping companies played a crucial role in global shipping markets in the 20th century, at times transporting more than ten per cent of world seaborne trade. Chapters explore how Norway managed to remain competitive, despite being a high labour-cost country in an industry with global competition. Among the features that are emphasised are market developments, business strategies and political decisions The Norwegian experience was shaped by the main breaking points in 20th century world history, such as the two world wars, and by long-term trends, such as globalization and liberalization. The shipping companies introduced technological and organizational innovations to build or maintain a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing world. The growing importance of offshore petroleum exploration in the North Sea from the 1970s was both a threat and an opportunity to the shipping companies. By adapting both business strategies and the political regime to the new circumstances, the Norwegian shipping sector managed to maintain a leading position internationally.This book is open access under a CC BY NC ND 4.0 license. This open access book discusses how Norwegian shipping companies played a crucial role in global shipping markets in the 20th century, at times transporting more than ten per cent of world seaborne trade. Chapters explore how Norway managed to remain competitive, despite being a high labour-cost country in an industry with global competition. Among the features that are emphasised are market developments, business strategies and political decisions The Norwegian experience was shaped by the main breaking points in 20th century world history, such as the two world wars, and by long-term trends, such as globalization and liberalization. The shipping companies introduced technological and organizational innovations to build or maintain a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing world. The growing importance of offshore petroleum exploration in the North Sea from the 1970s was both a threat and an opportunity to the shipping companies. By adapting both business strategies and the political regime to the new circumstances, the Norwegian shipping sector managed to maintain a leading position internationally.

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    This book is open access under a CC BY NC ND 4.0 license. This open access book discusses how Norwegian shipping companies played a crucial role in global shipping markets in the 20th century, at

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    تاريخ الإصدار

    01 يناير 2019

    Stig Tenold

    ردمك -الرقم الدولي المعياري للكتب-


    عن المؤلفين:

    Stig Tenold
    Stig Tenold

    Stig Tenold is Professor of Economic History at the Department of Economics. He received his dr.oecon.-degree from the NHH in 2001, with a thesis subsequently published in abbreviated form as Tankers in Trouble: Norwegian Shipping and the Crisis of the 1970s and 1980s (St. John's, 2006).   Stig Tenold's main research is within the field of contemporary maritime history, both from an economic history and from a business history angle. The research has resulted in five single-authored, two co-authored and three edited books, as well as more than thirty articles in peer-reviewed journals. In addition, he has published articles on East-Asian economic development, trade policy and popular music in scientific journals and anthologies. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the two leading maritime history journals – The International Journal of Maritime History and Mariner's Mirror – and one of three editors of the book series Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics.

      Stig Tenold

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