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Introduction to Intellectual Property

Introduction to Intellectual Property

David KlineDavid Kappos

This unique resource provides a clear, effective introduction to the legal issues and applications of Intellectual Property. The book is directed at students and ordinary citizens with no formal background in the field, and who may be studying entrepreneurship, marketing, computer science, engineering, or other fields. It is useful in an array of courses ranging from Business Law and Product Design to Information Systems and many others. Introduction to Intellectual Property covers patent basics and enforcement, copyright, trademark, and trade secrets. Each chapter is authored by an expert in the respective field, all under the guidance of principal author David Kline and executive editor David Kappos. The luminaries involved with this project represent the forefront of knowledge and experience on these topics, which makes the text an even more valuable resource for instructors, students, and professionals. While informative for anyone with a professional or personal interest in intellectual property, this resource is a formal textbook, and is designed for the effective instruction of college students. Each chapter contains learning objectives, subsections, and topically oriented review questions. Introduction to Intellectual Property was originally developed by the Michelson 20MM Foundation, released under the title The Intangible Advantage. It remains available along with an accompanying online course, video series, and other resources. Visit for more information, and see below for more detailed descriptions of these assets. This unique resource provides a clear, effective introduction to the legal issues and applications of Intellectual Property. The book is directed at students and ordinary citizens with no formal background in the field, and who may be studying entrepreneurship, marketing, computer science, engineering, or other fields. It is useful in an array of courses ranging from Business Law and Product Design to Information Systems and many others. Introduction to Intellectual Property covers patent basics and enforcement, copyright, trademark, and trade secrets. Each chapter is authored by an expert in the respective field, all under the guidance of principal author David Kline and executive editor David Kappos. The luminaries involved with this project represent the forefront of knowledge and experience on these topics, which makes the text an even more valuable resource for instructors, students, and professionals. While informative for anyone with a professional or personal interest in intellectual property, this resource is a formal textbook, and is designed for the effective instruction of college students. Each chapter contains learning objectives, subsections, and topically oriented review questions. Introduction to Intellectual Property was originally developed by the Michelson 20MM Foundation, released under the title The Intangible Advantage. It remains available along with an accompanying online course, video series, and other resources. Visit for more information, and see below for more detailed descriptions of these assets.



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