Message Processing: The Science of Creating Understanding
The text provides an upper-level undergraduate introduction and explanation of the social and cognitive processes involved in human communication, focusing on how people create understanding.The text provides an upper-level undergraduate introduction and explanation of the social and cognitive processes involved in human communication, focusing on how people create understanding.
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Description of Message Processing: The Science of Creating Understanding
The text provides an upper-level undergraduate introduction and explanation of the social and cognitive processes involved in human communication, focusing on how people create understanding.
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About the authors
Jessica Gasiorek (Associate Professor) studies message processing and its effects on perceptions of communication, social dynamics, and people’s subjective well-being. This work is grounded in communication accommodation theory (CAT) and social psychological scholarship on attributions, intergroup attitudes, behavior explanation, and perspective-taking. Her publications includes both empirical articles and book chapters on communication accommodation theory, communication and aging, and communication in multilingual medical contexts.
Jessica Gasiorek
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