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    Hydrotalcite-Based Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Application

    Hydrotalcite-Based Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Application

    Ravi Tomar

    Hydrotalcite-based materials, characterized by their unique composition are integral to diverse applications in heterogeneous catalysis and beyond. Renowned for their catalytic prowess, these compounds serve as versatile bases for organic reactions, support structures for metal catalysts, and facilitators in organic transformations and water treatment. This comprehensive book introduces readers to hydrotalcite-like compounds, with ten chapters exploring variations in metal ion ratios and interlayer anions, and their impact on properties crucial for industrial applications (ranging from industrial catalysis to medicine). Key Features • Detailed exploration of hydrotalcite and hydrotalcite-like compounds • Recent trends and applications in industrial catalysis, organic synthesis, and environmental remediation • Hydrotalcite synthesis including methods like coprecipitation, sol-gel processing, and advanced techniques • Contributions from leading researchers in the field with references • Comprehensive overview for each topic suitable for both academics and industry professionals With its exhaustive coverage of hydrotalcite-based materials and their multifaceted applications, this book promises to be an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to understand the utilization of hydrotalcites for advanced catalytic processes. Readership Academics, chemistry students, professionals and apprentices in chemical engineering and synthesis.Hydrotalcite-based materials, characterized by their unique composition are integral to diverse applications in heterogeneous catalysis and beyond. Renowned for their catalytic prowess, these compounds serve as versatile bases for organic reactions, support structures for metal catalysts, and facilitators in organic transformations and water treatment. This comprehensive book introduces readers to hydrotalcite-like compounds, with ten chapters exploring variations in metal ion ratios and interlayer anions, and their impact on properties crucial for industrial applications (ranging from industrial catalysis to medicine). Key Features • Detailed exploration of hydrotalcite and hydrotalcite-like compounds • Recent trends and applications in industrial catalysis, organic synthesis, and environmental remediation • Hydrotalcite synthesis including methods like coprecipitation, sol-gel processing, and advanced techniques • Contributions from leading researchers in the field with references • Comprehensive overview for each topic suitable for both academics and industry professionals With its exhaustive coverage of hydrotalcite-based materials and their multifaceted applications, this book promises to be an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to understand the utilization of hydrotalcites for advanced catalytic processes. Readership Academics, chemistry students, professionals and apprentices in chemical engineering and synthesis.

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    Description of Hydrotalcite-Based Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Application

    Hydrotalcite-based materials, characterized by their unique composition are integral to diverse applications in heterogeneous catalysis and beyond. Renowned for their catalytic prowess, these compound

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    Publish Date

    2024 Aug 09

    Ravi Tomar



    About the authors

    Ravi Tomar
    Ravi Tomar
    Ravi Tomar

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