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    Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes

    Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes

    Muralimohan CheepuJeyaprakash NatarajanChe-Hua Yang

    "Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is the construction of an object using CAD models. The technology for additive manufacturing is gaining traction in recent times due to its accessibility for both personal and industrial use, as well as its usefulness in quick prototyping (either of a whole object or its components) and meeting the needs of small commercial workloads. Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes informs readers about the breadth of 3D printing processes. Chapters cover the basic knowledge of additive techniques and their industrial applications with relevant examples. The improvements in each method and their recent technical achievements with practical experimental data are highlighted. The book presents eight types of 3D printing processes, covering a diverse range of technologies which represent the industry. The contents also cover selected topics of relevance to additive manufacturing which include the formation of defects and factors that affect the mechanical properties of the additively manufactured components. Chapters also provide recent guidelines for adapting additive manufacturing processes to increase productivity and reduce manufacturing cost. Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes is a handy reference for scholars and professionals involved in manufacturing industries and process engineering as well as hobbyists who are interested in the current state-of-the-art in 3D printing." "Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is the construction of an object using CAD models. The technology for additive manufacturing is gaining traction in recent times due to its accessibility for both personal and industrial use, as well as its usefulness in quick prototyping (either of a whole object or its components) and meeting the needs of small commercial workloads. Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes informs readers about the breadth of 3D printing processes. Chapters cover the basic knowledge of additive techniques and their industrial applications with relevant examples. The improvements in each method and their recent technical achievements with practical experimental data are highlighted. The book presents eight types of 3D printing processes, covering a diverse range of technologies which represent the industry. The contents also cover selected topics of relevance to additive manufacturing which include the formation of defects and factors that affect the mechanical properties of the additively manufactured components. Chapters also provide recent guidelines for adapting additive manufacturing processes to increase productivity and reduce manufacturing cost. Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes is a handy reference for scholars and professionals involved in manufacturing industries and process engineering as well as hobbyists who are interested in the current state-of-the-art in 3D printing."

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    $ 79.00


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    Description of Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes

    "Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is the construction of an object using CAD models. The technology for additive manufacturing is gaining traction in recent times due to its accessibility for bot

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    Publish Date

    2021 Nov 29

    Muralimohan CheepuJeyaprakash NatarajanChe-Hua Yang



    About the authors

    Muralimohan Cheepu
    Muralimohan Cheepu
      Muralimohan Cheepu
      Jeyaprakash Natarajan
      Jeyaprakash Natarajan
      Jeyaprakash Natarajan
      Che-Hua Yang
      Che-Hua Yang
      Che-Hua Yang

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