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    Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

    Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

    Elizabeth D. KirbyMelissa J. GlennNoah J. SandstromChristina L. Williams

    Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience aligns to the topics and objectives of introductory behavioral neuroscience courses taught in psychology, biology, neuroscience, and similar departments. This offering is intended for undergraduates with no presumed college-level science coursework, and presents the foundational principles of brain-behavior-environment interactions. In Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, students will begin to understand how the physiology of the nervous system and the environment dictate our movements, thoughts and feelings. Students will be challenged to think about real neuroscience experiments, appreciate how neuroscience knowledge evolves over time, and consider open questions in the field. They will also be invited to learn about the people behind the science, such as through interview videos and researcher profiles. The development of this material was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under IOS-2035041 to Elizabeth Kirby. The opinions, descriptions, recommendations, and findings are those of the contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. An Affordable Learning Exchange grant to Elizabeth Kirby from the Ohio State University also supported development of this material.Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience aligns to the topics and objectives of introductory behavioral neuroscience courses taught in psychology, biology, neuroscience, and similar departments. This offering is intended for undergraduates with no presumed college-level science coursework, and presents the foundational principles of brain-behavior-environment interactions. In Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, students will begin to understand how the physiology of the nervous system and the environment dictate our movements, thoughts and feelings. Students will be challenged to think about real neuroscience experiments, appreciate how neuroscience knowledge evolves over time, and consider open questions in the field. They will also be invited to learn about the people behind the science, such as through interview videos and researcher profiles. The development of this material was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under IOS-2035041 to Elizabeth Kirby. The opinions, descriptions, recommendations, and findings are those of the contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. An Affordable Learning Exchange grant to Elizabeth Kirby from the Ohio State University also supported development of this material.


















    Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience aligns to the topics and objectives of introductory behavioral neuroscience courses taught in psychology, biology, neuroscience, and similar departments. This o





    2024 Nov 13

    Elizabeth D. KirbyMelissa J. GlennNoah J. SandstromChristina L. Williams


    ISBN-13: 978-1-961584-57-0


    Elizabeth D. Kirby
    Elizabeth D. Kirby
      Elizabeth D. Kirby
      Melissa J. Glenn
      Melissa J. Glenn

      She received her B.Sc. in Psychology from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1994, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Concordia University in 1997 and 2003, respectively. Her graduate theses focused on the functional neuroanatomy of memory systems. From 2003 until 2007, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Duke University, where she was funded by the National Institute on Aging to study the neural and behavioral mechanisms mediating a lifelong enhancement in cognition with prenatal choline supplementation. She joined the Psychology Department at Colby College in August 2007, where she continues to explore questions about the behavioral, neural, and physiological effects of choline supplementation or deficiency at different stages of life. Her research also investigates how choline is neuroprotective against psychological disorders, particularly schizophrenia and depression. She teaches the Biological Basis of Behavior (PS 233), a seminar, and a companion Collaborative Research course on Neural Plasticity and Behavior (PS 349 and 350), as well as a seminar on Psychology and Neuroscience (PS 374).

      Melissa J. Glenn
      Noah J. Sandstrom
      Noah J. Sandstrom
      Noah J. Sandstrom
      Christina L. Williams
      Christina L. Williams
      Christina L. Williams


      biologyopenstaxOpen StaxRice Universtiyopen accessuniversity textbookscienceEnglish






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