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    The Future of Computing: Ubiquitous Applications and Technologies

    The Future of Computing: Ubiquitous Applications and Technologies

    Neha KishorePankaj NangliaShilpa Gupta

    The Future of Computing: Ubiquitous Applications and Technologies explores the transformative power of ubiquitous computing across diverse fields, from healthcare and smart grids to home automation and digital forensics. Ubiquitous computing, which seamlessly integrates computing into everyday life, is reshaping industries and addressing significant challenges, such as data security, digital payments, and IoT optimization. This book provides expert insights and practical approaches, covering topics such as automated medical imaging, federated cloud assessments, smart grid security, and AI-driven control systems. Key Features: - Foundational and advanced concepts of ubiquitous computing across multiple industries. - Security structures in IoT, AI applications, and data privacy. - Real-world applications, including healthcare automation, smart homes, and digital forensics. - Case studies on emerging trends in IoT, AIoT, and smart grid security. Readership: Ideal for students, researchers, and professionals in computing, IoT, artificial intelligence, and engineering fields.The Future of Computing: Ubiquitous Applications and Technologies explores the transformative power of ubiquitous computing across diverse fields, from healthcare and smart grids to home automation and digital forensics. Ubiquitous computing, which seamlessly integrates computing into everyday life, is reshaping industries and addressing significant challenges, such as data security, digital payments, and IoT optimization. This book provides expert insights and practical approaches, covering topics such as automated medical imaging, federated cloud assessments, smart grid security, and AI-driven control systems. Key Features: - Foundational and advanced concepts of ubiquitous computing across multiple industries. - Security structures in IoT, AI applications, and data privacy. - Real-world applications, including healthcare automation, smart homes, and digital forensics. - Case studies on emerging trends in IoT, AIoT, and smart grid security. Readership: Ideal for students, researchers, and professionals in computing, IoT, artificial intelligence, and engineering fields.

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    The Future of Computing: Ubiquitous Applications and Technologies explores the transformative power of ubiquitous computing across diverse fields, from healthcare and smart grids to home automation an

    Informations supplémentaires


    Date de publication

    2024 Nov 20

    Neha KishorePankaj NangliaShilpa Gupta



    À propos des auteurs

    Neha Kishore
    Neha Kishore
      Neha Kishore
      Pankaj Nanglia
      Pankaj Nanglia
      Pankaj Nanglia
      Shilpa Gupta
      Shilpa Gupta
      Shilpa Gupta

      Table des matières



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