Humanitarian Crises and International Relations (1959-2013)
"Humanitarian Crises and International Relations (1959-2013) presents a brief study of the relations between sovereign nations from 1959 to the current Afghanistan crisis (post NATO intervention). Each chapter is going to analyze a specific crisis in a chronological order. The chapters demonstrate how humanitarian crises linked to civil and military conflicts have reshaped international relations in our world today. This book is a key tool for students undertaking courses related to the history of international relations as well as human rights and on international migrations. The topics in this book are connected to different disciplines (Anthropology, History and Political Science) and attempt to trace the most important change in the history of international relations related to the world crisis viz civil or external conflicts." "Humanitarian Crises and International Relations (1959-2013) presents a brief study of the relations between sovereign nations from 1959 to the current Afghanistan crisis (post NATO intervention). Each chapter is going to analyze a specific crisis in a chronological order. The chapters demonstrate how humanitarian crises linked to civil and military conflicts have reshaped international relations in our world today. This book is a key tool for students undertaking courses related to the history of international relations as well as human rights and on international migrations. The topics in this book are connected to different disciplines (Anthropology, History and Political Science) and attempt to trace the most important change in the history of international relations related to the world crisis viz civil or external conflicts."
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"Humanitarian Crises and International Relations (1959-2013) presents a brief study of the relations between sovereign nations from 1959 to the current Afghanistan crisis (post NATO intervention). Eac
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Date de publication
2014 Mar 12
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