Abattoir Practices By-Products and Wool Technology
"The fundamentals of abattoir establishments, slaughter procedures for quality meat production, and the scientific evaluation of food animals and carcasses are discussed in the most effective manner possible. The sustainability of the meat industry and meat food sector is largely dependent on the utilization of abattoir by-products. Thus, the book provides a detailed overview of the various types of by-products generated in abattoirs, including blood, hide and skin, intestines, bones, glandular by-products, and more. The book also provides a realistic approach to the waste generated in abattoirs and the sanitary requirements necessary for their operation. Furthermore, the book provides an extensive overview of wool technology, starting from shearing, sampling, wool structure, physico-chemical properties, processing, and testing. It will serve as a valuable source of knowledge and information for individuals engaged in the meat and wool professions, business, planning, and research. The book provides a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of abattoir and wool technology, making it an indispensable resource for professionals and researchers in the field. " "The fundamentals of abattoir establishments, slaughter procedures for quality meat production, and the scientific evaluation of food animals and carcasses are discussed in the most effective manner possible. The sustainability of the meat industry and meat food sector is largely dependent on the utilization of abattoir by-products. Thus, the book provides a detailed overview of the various types of by-products generated in abattoirs, including blood, hide and skin, intestines, bones, glandular by-products, and more. The book also provides a realistic approach to the waste generated in abattoirs and the sanitary requirements necessary for their operation. Furthermore, the book provides an extensive overview of wool technology, starting from shearing, sampling, wool structure, physico-chemical properties, processing, and testing. It will serve as a valuable source of knowledge and information for individuals engaged in the meat and wool professions, business, planning, and research. The book provides a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of abattoir and wool technology, making it an indispensable resource for professionals and researchers in the field. "
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"The fundamentals of abattoir establishments, slaughter procedures for quality meat production, and the scientific evaluation of food animals and carcasses are discussed in the most effective manner p
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Date de publication
2020 Jan 01
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