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    Bioethics Across the Globe :Rebirthing Bioethics

    Bioethics Across the Globe :Rebirthing Bioethics

    Akira Akabayashi

    This open access book addresses a variety of issues relating to bioethics, in order to initiate cross-cultural dialogue. Beginning with the history, it introduces various views on bioethics, based on specific experiences from Japan. It describes how Japan has been confronted with Western bioethics and the ethical issues new to this modern age, and how it has found its foothold as it decides where it stands on these issues. In the last chapter, the author proposes discarding the overarching term ‘Global Bioethics’ in favor of the new term, ‘Bioethics Across the Globe (BAG)’, which carries a more universal connotation. This book serves as an excellent tool to help readers understand a different culture and to initiate deep and genuine global dialogue that incorporates local and global thinking on bioethics. Bioethics Across the Globe is a valuable resource for researchers in the field of bioethics/medical ethics interested in adopting cross-cultural approaches, as well as graduate and undergraduate students of healthcare and philosophy.This open access book addresses a variety of issues relating to bioethics, in order to initiate cross-cultural dialogue. Beginning with the history, it introduces various views on bioethics, based on specific experiences from Japan. It describes how Japan has been confronted with Western bioethics and the ethical issues new to this modern age, and how it has found its foothold as it decides where it stands on these issues. In the last chapter, the author proposes discarding the overarching term ‘Global Bioethics’ in favor of the new term, ‘Bioethics Across the Globe (BAG)’, which carries a more universal connotation. This book serves as an excellent tool to help readers understand a different culture and to initiate deep and genuine global dialogue that incorporates local and global thinking on bioethics. Bioethics Across the Globe is a valuable resource for researchers in the field of bioethics/medical ethics interested in adopting cross-cultural approaches, as well as graduate and undergraduate students of healthcare and philosophy.

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    This open access book addresses a variety of issues relating to bioethics, in order to initiate cross-cultural dialogue. Beginning with the history, it introduces various views on bioethics, based on

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    Date de publication

    06 يوليو 2020

    Akira Akabayashi



    À propos des auteurs

    Akira Akabayashi
    Akira Akabayashi

    Akira Akabayashi Dr. Akabayashi, MD, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Ethics at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine and Director of UT-CBEL (University of Tokyo Center of Biomedical Ethics and Law). His research interests include cross-cultural bioethics, informed consent, end-of-life issues, research ethics, bioethics policy, and clinical ethics. Professor Akabayashi serves as Chair of the Ethics Committee at the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine. He is also a member of several government bioethics policy committees in Japan. He is an associate editor for BMC Medical Ethics, a consulting editor for Asian Bioethics Review, on the editorial boards of the Journal of Medical Ethics and Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, and editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Japan Association for Bioethics. He is also a Fellow of The Hastings Center.

      Akira Akabayashi

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