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    Principles of Finance

    Principles of Finance

    Julie DahlquistRainford Knight

    Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Principles of Finance provides a strong foundation in financial applications using an innovative use-case approach to explore their role in business decision-making. An array of financial calculator and downloadable Microsoft Excel data exercises also engage students in experiential learning throughout. With flexible integration of technical instruction and data, this title prepares students for current practice and continual evolution. Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Principles of Finance provides a strong foundation in financial applications using an innovative use-case approach to explore their role in business decision-making. An array of financial calculator and downloadable Microsoft Excel data exercises also engage students in experiential learning throughout. With flexible integration of technical instruction and data, this title prepares students for current practice and continual evolution.

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    Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Principles of Finance provides a strong foundation in financial applications using an innovative use-case approach to explore their role in busi

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    Date de publication

    2023 Mar 22

    Julie DahlquistRainford Knight


    ISBN-13: 978-1-951693-54-1

    À propos des auteurs

    Julie Dahlquist
    Julie Dahlquist

    Julie is the president of the Technical Analysis Educational Foundation which works with colleges and universities to include technical analysis as an integral part of their finance curriculum.  Her research has appeared in Financial Analysts Journal, Managerial Finance, Applied Economics, Working Money, Financial Practices and Education, and the Journal of Financial Education. She has served as editor of the Journal of Technical Analysis and on the editorial board of the Southwestern Business Administration Journal, as well as a reviewer for a number of other journals. Julie has co-authored Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians with Charles Kirkpatrick and two books:  Technical Analysis of Gaps and Technical Market Indicators: Analysis and Performance with Richard Bauer.  She is the recipient of the Charles H. Dow Award for research in technical analysis and the Mike Epstein Award for promoting technical analysis in academia. Julie graduated from the University of Louisiana at Monroe with a B.B.A. with major in economics, summa cum laude. She received her M.A. in theology from St. Mary’s University and her Ph.D. in economics from Texas A&M University.  

      Julie Dahlquist
      Rainford Knight
      Rainford Knight

      Areas of Expertise: Financial Analysis and Forecasting, Investment Management and Portfolio Construction, Bank Risk Assessment and Risk Model Validation, Alternative Investments: Investment and Operational Due Diligence Biography   Entrepreneur with significant experience in financial services including: M&A, Corporate Finance, Hedge Funds and Asset Management.   Education PhD (1997) Finance, Florida Atlantic University MBA (1990) Finance, Florida Atlantic University BBA (1989) Finance, Florida Atlantic University Intellectual Contributions Dahlquist, Julie; Knight, Rainford. (2022). Principles of Finance textbook, Rice University - Openstax platform Whiteman, Alan; DiCicco, Joel; Knight, Rainford; Moran, Robert; Sigler, Jorge. (2018). A Critical Analysis of the Cost-benefits of Utilizing Students in a Psychiatric Facility: A Case Study, Journal of Medical Practice Management, 33(4) Behara, Ravi; Knight, Rainford; DiCicco, Joel. (2017). Care Coordination: A Systematic Review and a New Perspective, Proceedings of the IEEE BIBE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Washington, DC, USA Behara, Ravi; Knight, Rainford; DiCicco, Joel. (2016). Corporate Sustainability: An Analysis of CSR and CSV, Proceedings of the 47th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA

      Rainford Knight

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