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    The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008: The Mediterranean Way Towards Industrialization

    The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008: The Mediterranean Way Towards Industrialization

    Manuel González de MolinaDavid Soto FernándezGloria Guzmán CasadoJuan Infante-AmateEduardo Aguilera FernándezJaime Vila TraverRoberto García RuizRoberto García Ruiz

    This open access book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse picture to the complex and multidimensional reality of agrarian production. With a clear transdisciplinary ambition, the book applies an original and innovative theoretical and methodological tool, termed Agrarian Social Metabolism, combining Social Metabolism with an agroecological perspective. This integrative analysis is especially interesting for environmental scientists and policy makers being the best way to design sustainable agroecosystems and public policies capable of moving us towards a more sustainable food system. Spanish agricultural production has experienced impressive growth during the 20th century which has allowed it to ensure the supply of food to the population and even to transform some crops into important chapters in foreign trade. However, this growth has had its negative side since it was based on the injection of large amounts of external energy, on the destruction of employment and the loss of profitability of agricultural activity. But perhaps the most serious part is the strong impact of the current industrialised agriculture model on Spanish agroecosystems, exposed to the overexploitation of hydric resources, pollution of the water by nitrates and pesticides, high erosion rates and an alarming loss of biodiversity; damage which in the immediate future will end up reducing production capacity.This open access book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse picture to the complex and multidimensional reality of agrarian production. With a clear transdisciplinary ambition, the book applies an original and innovative theoretical and methodological tool, termed Agrarian Social Metabolism, combining Social Metabolism with an agroecological perspective. This integrative analysis is especially interesting for environmental scientists and policy makers being the best way to design sustainable agroecosystems and public policies capable of moving us towards a more sustainable food system. Spanish agricultural production has experienced impressive growth during the 20th century which has allowed it to ensure the supply of food to the population and even to transform some crops into important chapters in foreign trade. However, this growth has had its negative side since it was based on the injection of large amounts of external energy, on the destruction of employment and the loss of profitability of agricultural activity. But perhaps the most serious part is the strong impact of the current industrialised agriculture model on Spanish agroecosystems, exposed to the overexploitation of hydric resources, pollution of the water by nitrates and pesticides, high erosion rates and an alarming loss of biodiversity; damage which in the immediate future will end up reducing production capacity.

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    This open access book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse picture to the complex and multidimensional reality of agraria

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    Date de publication

    2020 Jul 16

    Manuel González de MolinaDavid Soto FernándezGloria Guzmán CasadoJuan Infante-AmateEduardo Aguilera FernándezJaime Vila TraverRoberto García RuizRoberto García Ruiz



    À propos des auteurs

    Manuel González de Molina
    Manuel González de Molina

    Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Filosofía, Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad Pablo de Olavide,Sevilla,Spain

      Manuel González de Molina
      David Soto Fernández
      David Soto Fernández

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ,Santiago de Compostela ,Spain

      David Soto Fernández
      Gloria Guzmán Casado
      Gloria Guzmán Casado

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad Pablo de Olavide,Seville,Spain

      Gloria Guzmán Casado
      Juan Infante-Amate
      Juan Infante-Amate

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad Pablo de Olavide,Seville,Spain

      Juan Infante-Amate
      Eduardo Aguilera Fernández
      Eduardo Aguilera Fernández

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,Madrid,Spain

      Eduardo Aguilera Fernández
      Jaime Vila Traver
      Jaime Vila Traver

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad Pablo de Olavide,Seville,Spain

      Jaime Vila Traver
      Roberto García Ruiz
      Roberto García Ruiz

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad de Jaén,Jaén,Spain

      Roberto García Ruiz
      Roberto García Ruiz
      Roberto García Ruiz

      Agroecosystems History Laboratory,Universidad de Jaén,Jaén,Spain

      Roberto García Ruiz

      Table des matières



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