Smart Antennas: Recent Trends in Design and Applications
This reference provides the reader with focused information about microstrip antenna design and applications. Readers are first introduced to the basic design of microstrip antennas. Subsequent chapters explain how microstrip antennas are suitable for practical applications. These chapters cover topics such as fractal and defected ground structure antennas, microstrip antenna evaluation and the use of microstrip antennas in mobile communications and IoT applications. Scholars, researchers and industrial professionals involved in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering as well as instrumentation will benefit from the information given in this book. This reference provides the reader with focused information about microstrip antenna design and applications. Readers are first introduced to the basic design of microstrip antennas. Subsequent chapters explain how microstrip antennas are suitable for practical applications. These chapters cover topics such as fractal and defected ground structure antennas, microstrip antenna evaluation and the use of microstrip antennas in mobile communications and IoT applications. Scholars, researchers and industrial professionals involved in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering as well as instrumentation will benefit from the information given in this book.
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This reference provides the reader with focused information about microstrip antenna design and applications. Readers are first introduced to the basic design of microstrip antennas. Subsequent chapte
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Date de publication
2021 Jul 30
À propos des auteurs
Praveen Kumar Malik
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