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    Geographies of Schooling

    Geographies of Schooling

    Holger Jahnke(editor)Caroline Kramer(editor)Peter Meusburger(editor)

    This open access book explores the complex relationship between schooling as a set of practices embedded in educational institutions and their specific spatial dimensions from different disciplinary perspectives. It presents innovative empirical and conceptual research by international scholars from the fields of social geography, pedagogy, educational and social sciences in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Czechia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Canada. The book covers a broad range of topics, all examined from a spatial perspective: the governance of schooling, the transition processes of and within national school systems, the question of small schools in peripheral areas as well as the embeddedness of schooling in broader processes of social change. Transcending disciplinary boundaries, the book offers deep insights into current theoretical debates and empirical case studies within the broad research field encompassing the complex relationship between education and space.This open access book explores the complex relationship between schooling as a set of practices embedded in educational institutions and their specific spatial dimensions from different disciplinary perspectives. It presents innovative empirical and conceptual research by international scholars from the fields of social geography, pedagogy, educational and social sciences in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Czechia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Canada. The book covers a broad range of topics, all examined from a spatial perspective: the governance of schooling, the transition processes of and within national school systems, the question of small schools in peripheral areas as well as the embeddedness of schooling in broader processes of social change. Transcending disciplinary boundaries, the book offers deep insights into current theoretical debates and empirical case studies within the broad research field encompassing the complex relationship between education and space.

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    This open access book explores the complex relationship between schooling as a set of practices embedded in educational institutions and their specific spatial dimensions from different disciplinary p

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    Date de publication

    2019 Dec 31

    Holger Jahnke(editor)Caroline Kramer(editor)Peter Meusburger(editor)



    À propos des auteurs

    Holger Jahnke(editor)
    Holger Jahnke(editor)

    Prof. Dr. Holger Jahnke has been a university professor since the winter semester 2007/08 and head of the working group "Human Geography and Geographic Education". At the European University of Flensburg he has been representing the area of ​​cultural and social geography as well as geographic education in research and teaching since 2007. His research focuses on educational geography, humanistic geography, geographic migration research and local transformation processes in rural areas. In the field of geographic education, he works on visual geography, transnational living environments and European teacher education. In 2009, he summarized the cornerstones of his understanding of geographic research and teaching under the motto "forming horizons". The focus is on transnational encounters, social responsibility and creative work. The continuous development of new forms of teaching and learning is an important challenge for him. Recent projects include "exploring the horizon" for new students and the Erasmus + project "ReCreaDe" in European teacher education.  At the EUF, he is responsible for the partial courses in the geography department in the Bachelor of Education and Master of Education and coordinates contacts with the department's international partner institutes. He has been a member of the Senate of the Europa Universität Flensburg and several commissions for many years. After studying geography, Romance languages ​​and Italian studies at the universities of Heidelberg, Nantes, Siena and Palermo, he did his doctorate as a research assistant at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

      Holger Jahnke(editor)
      Caroline Kramer(editor)
      Caroline Kramer(editor)

      Institute of Geography and Geoecology,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,Karlsruhe,Germany

      Caroline Kramer(editor)
      Peter Meusburger(editor)
      Peter Meusburger(editor)

      Peter Meusburger had the Chair of Economic and Social Geography at Heidelberg University from 1983 to 2007. From 2007 to 2017 he was Distinguished Senior Professor.

      Peter Meusburger(editor)

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