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    Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education

    Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education

    Andreas Ch Hadjichambis(editor)Pedro Reis(editor)Demetra Paraskeva - Hadjichambi(editor)Jan Činčera(editor)Jelle Boeve-de Pauw(editor)Niklas Gericke(editor)Marie-Christine Knippels(editor)

    This open access book is about the development of a common understanding of environmental citizenship. It conceptualizes and frames environmental citizenship taking an educational perspective. Organized in four complementary parts, the book first explains the political, economic and societal dimensions of the concept. Next, it examines environmental citizenship as a psychological concept with a specific focus on knowledge, values, beliefs and attitudes. It then explores environmental citizenship within the context of environmental education and education for sustainability. It elaborates responsible environmental behaviour, youth activism and education for sustainability through the lens of environmental citizenship. Finally, it discusses the concept within the context of different educational levels, such as primary and secondary education in formal and non-formal settings. Environmental citizenship is a key factor in sustainability, green and cycle economy, and low-carbon society, and an important aspect in addressing global environmental problems. It has been an influential concept in many different arenas such as economy, policy, philosophy, and organizational marketing. In the field of education, the concept could be better exploited and established, however. Education and, especially, environmental discourses in science education have a great deal to contribute to the adoption and promotion of environmental citizenship.This open access book is about the development of a common understanding of environmental citizenship. It conceptualizes and frames environmental citizenship taking an educational perspective. Organized in four complementary parts, the book first explains the political, economic and societal dimensions of the concept. Next, it examines environmental citizenship as a psychological concept with a specific focus on knowledge, values, beliefs and attitudes. It then explores environmental citizenship within the context of environmental education and education for sustainability. It elaborates responsible environmental behaviour, youth activism and education for sustainability through the lens of environmental citizenship. Finally, it discusses the concept within the context of different educational levels, such as primary and secondary education in formal and non-formal settings. Environmental citizenship is a key factor in sustainability, green and cycle economy, and low-carbon society, and an important aspect in addressing global environmental problems. It has been an influential concept in many different arenas such as economy, policy, philosophy, and organizational marketing. In the field of education, the concept could be better exploited and established, however. Education and, especially, environmental discourses in science education have a great deal to contribute to the adoption and promotion of environmental citizenship.

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    This open access book is about the development of a common understanding of environmental citizenship. It conceptualizes and frames environmental citizenship taking an educational perspective. Organiz

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    Yayın tarihi

    2020 Jun 29

    Andreas Ch Hadjichambis(editor)Pedro Reis(editor)Demetra Paraskeva - Hadjichambi(editor)Jan Činčera(editor)Jelle Boeve-de Pauw(editor)Niklas Gericke(editor)Marie-Christine Knippels(editor)



    Yazarlar Hakkında

    Andreas Ch Hadjichambis(editor)
    Andreas Ch Hadjichambis(editor)

    Ph.D. degree in Biology. Bch in Biology and an MSc in Env. Conserv. Manag. Biology Advisor in the Ministry of Education. Coordinator of Cyprus Biology Curriculum. Scientific Director of the Cyprus Center for Environmental Research and Education. Teaching for over 20 years from the Primary, Secondary to the University education. Participation in series of competitive European Research projects. Chair of the European Network for Environmental Citizenship Cost Action CA16299. Design and evaluation of learning materials.

      Andreas Ch Hadjichambis(editor)
      Pedro Reis(editor)
      Pedro Reis(editor)

      Instituto de Educação ,Universidade de Lisboa,Lisboa ,Portugal  

      Pedro Reis(editor)
      Demetra Paraskeva - Hadjichambi(editor)
      Demetra Paraskeva - Hadjichambi(editor)

      Dr. Demetra Paraskeva - Hadjichambi is the head of Environmental Education Department of the Cyprus Centre for Environmental Research and Education. She is a biologist and holds a PhD in Environmental Education (2010). She has been working as a biology advisor in the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture since 2015. Since 2008 she has been a member of Biology Curriculum Committee in the framework of Cyprus Educational Reformation. She is a co-author of the Biology books in Secondary Education

      Demetra Paraskeva - Hadjichambi(editor)
      Jan Činčera(editor)
      Jan Činčera(editor)

      Department of Environmental Studies,Masaryk University,Brno,Czech Republic

      Jan Činčera(editor)
      Jelle Boeve-de Pauw(editor)
      Jelle Boeve-de Pauw(editor)

      University of Antwerp, Belgium,Antwerpen,Belgium

      Jelle Boeve-de Pauw(editor)
      Niklas Gericke(editor)
      Niklas Gericke(editor)

      Niklas Gericke is an active researcher in the field of science education, that is, teaching and learning in the natural science subject areas. Gericke is director and head of research at the SMEER Centre (Centre of Science, Mathematics, Engineering Education Research,, which is the coordinating body of subject-specific education research in the natural sciences, mathematics and technology at Karlstad University.   A consistent focus of Gericke's research has been on how subject content is translated from academic discipline into subject knowledge taught in schools, and the impact of such transformations for students' understanding of content. The relationship between knowledge content in the form of theoretical models and how epistemological aspects of these are addressed in teaching are central issues in Gericke's studies. To a great extent his research has been related to genetics education in biology, and since 2017 Gericke  has been heading a project funded by the Research Council called "Epigenetic literacy and the implementation of epigenetics in school biology", aiming to explore how epigenetics can be transformed in biology education. A further area of interest is in the field of sustainability education. In 2012-2015 Gericke led the Research Council funded project "Investigating the underlying factors contributing to schools’ success in education for sustainable development", which took a large-scale quantitative approach to mapping and analysing the effects at student level regarding the implementation of sustainability education in Swedish schools. In addition, the importance of leadership and organisation in schools was studied to identify structural factors affecting the implementation process. Based on the results of this study, Gericke has initiated a major practice-related research and development project funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research called "Education for Sustainable Development: A Longitudinal Implementation Study", which, as indicated in the title, centred on the implementation process over time. In 2018, Gericke, in collaboration with the project leader Farhana Borg, Dalarna University, was granted funding by the Research Council for a project to study the importance of eco certified pre-schools for children's sustainability awareness.   Gericke is a member of the management team for the research group ROSE (Research on Subject-Specific Education,, which receives additional research funding from Karlstad University on its way towards meeting the criteria of excellence as a research group. He is also the leader of a ROSE sub project, studying how the sustainability concept is translated into teaching content in different school subjects. 

      Niklas Gericke(editor)
      Marie-Christine Knippels(editor)
      Marie-Christine Knippels(editor)

      Project leader, NRO Longterm Practice-oriented education research: Science teacher competence in citizenship education about sustainability in science education (2019-2022) EU projects Lead applicant and coordinator of the FP7 project PARRISE ( - Responsible Research and Innovation in science education - Integrating socio-scientific issues, inquiry based learning and citizenship education in teacher education programs (2014-2018) Steering group member and National representative in the COST- ENEC project ( - European Network for Environmental Citizenship through formal and informal education.(2017-2021) Partner representative in FP7 project SYNENERGENE ( - Empowering people for dialogue about synthetic biology. Developed and tested lesson modules on synthetic biology and opinion forming for secondary education.(2013-2017)   Member of the Academic Committee of the European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB)  

      Marie-Christine Knippels(editor)




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