Population Health for Nurses
Population Health for Nurses prepares nurses to develop interventions, policies, and practices that promote health equity and improved health outcomes across the health care delivery continuum. The text emphasizes the social determinants of health and how nurses can plan and implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions. It takes a holistic perspective, connecting human health behavior to the dynamic, ongoing interactions of the person, social factors, and the physical environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age. OpenStax Population Health for Nurses uses a logical, thematic organization that breaks down content into manageable chunks. It presents the material in 35 chapters, organized into 7 thematic units. The text defines and distinguishes among the interrelated nursing areas of population health, public health, and community health nursing, providing both historical context and up-to-date research to help students make connections across content that can inform practice. The result is a holistic approach that applies theoretical concepts to the practical assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps of client care and community-tailored interventions.Population Health for Nurses prepares nurses to develop interventions, policies, and practices that promote health equity and improved health outcomes across the health care delivery continuum. The text emphasizes the social determinants of health and how nurses can plan and implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions. It takes a holistic perspective, connecting human health behavior to the dynamic, ongoing interactions of the person, social factors, and the physical environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age. OpenStax Population Health for Nurses uses a logical, thematic organization that breaks down content into manageable chunks. It presents the material in 35 chapters, organized into 7 thematic units. The text defines and distinguishes among the interrelated nursing areas of population health, public health, and community health nursing, providing both historical context and up-to-date research to help students make connections across content that can inform practice. The result is a holistic approach that applies theoretical concepts to the practical assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps of client care and community-tailored interventions.
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Population Health for Nurses prepares nurses to develop interventions, policies, and practices that promote health equity and improved health outcomes across the health care delivery continuum. The te
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Yazarlar Hakkında
Dr. Jessica Ochs is a professor of nursing at Endicott College and is a board-certified adult and family nurse practitioner who has been devoted to improving the health and welfare of patients through clinical practice, education, program development, and research. She has served in leadership positions in both the academic and clinical settings and is the former director of the family nurse practitioner program at Endicott College where she made positive changes to the curriculum to reflect contemporary family practice. In her role as an advanced practice registered nurse, she has been working with a diverse population of patients in primary care, urgent care, emergency medicine, community health, and surgery. Dr. Ochs was inducted as a Distinguished Scholar Fellow in the National Academies of Practice as a result of her interprofessional research and practice. Dr. Ochs serves as an editorial board member of an international nursing journal, and maintains an active role in the National League for Nursing, the National Academies of Practice, Sigma Theta Tau International, and the American Association of the Colleges of Nursing.
Jessica Ochs