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    Xiaoxiao Cai

    Xiaoxiao Cai

    الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا

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    Vascularization in Tissue Engineering

    التنسيق المتاح


    Vascularization in Tissue Engineering

    Xiaoxiao Cai

    $ 79.00

    الأكثر شهرة

    Vascularization in Tissue Engineering

    Vascularization in Tissue Engineering presents a comprehensive picture of blood vessel development and the recent developments on the understanding of the role of angiogenesis in regenerating biological tissues. The first-half of this book, consists of three chapters, emphasizing the fundamental knowledge about cell pathways, growth factors, co-culture strategies, cell interactions, and vascularization in pathological scenarios. The second half takes this knowledge a step further and explains the vascular microenvironment, scaffolds, and related applications in regenerative medicines. This section also provides information about biomaterial scaffolds and stem cell cultures for wound-healing and tissue regeneration. Readers will learn about cutting edge technologies in this field. This volume is a handy reference for students and researchers seeking information about the angiogenic processes and applied biotechnology in tissue engineering.

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