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    M. Prakash


    الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا

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    A Textbook of Seed Science and Technology

    التنسيق المتاح


    A Textbook of Seed Science and Technology

    S. PadmavathiM. PrakashS. Ezhil KumarG. SathiyanarayananA Kamraj

    $ 80.00

    الأكثر شهرة

    A Textbook of Seed Science and Technology

    Seed Science and Technology is a discipline that focuses on the production of high-quality seeds and the improvement of seed quality through various techniques. It encompasses the entire process, from sowing to storage. The importance of seed quality is emphasized by the proverb, Seeds of Hope can turn into Seeds of Frustration if quality is not maintained. The subject requires a comprehensive understanding of various fields, including biology, physiology, and biochemistry, which have both direct and indirect impacts on Seed Science and Technology.

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