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    عرض سلة التسوق

    Hiroaki Eshima

    Department of International Tourism Sports Tourism Course Nagasaki International University Nagasaki, Japan

    Hiroaki Eshima

    الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا

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    Skeletal Muscle Health in Metabolic Diseases

    التنسيق المتاح


    Skeletal Muscle Health in Metabolic Diseases

    Hiroaki Eshima

    $ 39.00

    الأكثر شهرة

    Skeletal Muscle Health in Metabolic Diseases

    Skeletal Muscle Health in Metabolic Diseases explores the vital role of skeletal muscle in regulating energy metabolism and its interactions with other organs, such as the liver and brain, in the context of metabolic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. This comprehensive guide covers how metabolic disorders impact muscle glucose metabolism, liver function, and brain health, alongside the effects of nutrition and exercise on carbohydrate metabolism. Readers will gain insights into the mechanisms underlying muscle atrophy, oxidative stress, and cellular damage caused by these conditions. Key Features: - In-depth analysis of skeletal muscle’s role in whole-body metabolism and metabolic disease. - Exploration of metabolic dysfunction in relation to liver and brain health. - Insight into the impact of diet and physical activity on muscle and carbohydrate metabolism. - Examination of muscle atrophy and cellular changes in metabolic disorders. Readership: Ideal for students, researchers, and professionals in biomedical and metabolic sciences.

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