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Mikael Collan (Editor)

School of Business and Management LUT University Lappeenranta, Finland. Mikael Collan is a tenured professor of strategic finance at Lappeenranta- Lahti University of Technology in Lappeenranta, Finland. He has a D.Sc. in information systems from Åbo Akademi University, Finland. He is the academic director of the master ́s programme in strategic finance and busi- ness analytics and the founder and co-director of two degree programmes in business analytics, one in engineering and one in business. He is an ordinary member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, the oldest of the four Finnish academies of Science and the past president of the Finnish operations research society. His research concentrates on business model analysis, investment decision-making, application of analytics in business and in healthcare, and the application of fuzzy logic in business modeling. He has written over fifty journal articles, twenty book chapters, and all in all about two hundred academic publications. He serves on the boards of numerous SME companies.School of Business and Management LUT University Lappeenranta, Finland. Mikael Collan is a tenured professor of strategic finance at Lappeenranta- Lahti University of Technology in Lappeenranta, Finland. He has a D.Sc. in information systems from Åbo Akademi University, Finland. He is the academic director of the master ́s programme in strategic finance and busi- ness analytics and the founder and co-director of two degree programmes in business analytics, one in engineering and one in business. He is an ordinary member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, the oldest of the four Finnish academies of Science and the past president of the Finnish operations research society. His research concentrates on business model analysis, investment decision-making, application of analytics in business and in healthcare, and the application of fuzzy logic in business modeling. He has written over fifty journal articles, twenty book chapters, and all in all about two hundred academic publications. He serves on the boards of numerous SME companies.

Mikael Collan (Editor)

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Technical, Economic and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0

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Technical, Economic and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0

Mikael Collan (Editor)Karl-Erik Michelsen (Editor)


About Mikael Collan (Editor)

School of Business and Management LUT University Lappeenranta, Finland. Mikael Collan is a tenured professor of strategic finance at Lappeenranta- Lahti University of Technology in Lappeenranta, Finland. He has a D.Sc. in information systems from Åbo Akademi University, Finland. He is the academic director of the master ́s programme in strategic finance and busi- ness analytics and the founder and co-director of two degree programmes in business analytics, one in engineering and one in business. He is an ordinary member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, the oldest of the four Finnish academies of Science and the past president of the Finnish operations research society. His research concentrates on business model analysis, investment decision-making, application of analytics in business and in healthcare, and the application of fuzzy logic in business modeling. He has written over fifty journal articles, twenty book chapters, and all in all about two hundred academic publications. He serves on the boards of numerous SME companies.

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Technical, Economic and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0

This open access book is among the first cross-disciplinary works about Manufacturing 4.0. It includes chapters about the technical, the economic, and the social aspects of this important phenomenon. Together the material presented allows the reader to develop a holistic picture of where the manufacturing industry and the parts of the society that depend on it may be going in the future. Manufacturing 4.0 is not only a technical change, nor is it a purely technically driven change, but it is a societal change that has the potential to disrupt the way societies are constructed both in the positive and in the negative. This book will be of interest to scholars researching manufacturing, technological innovation, innovation management and industry 4.0.

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