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    Raja Chakraborty

    Raja Chakraborty

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    Practice and Re-emergence of Herbal Medicine

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    Practice and Re-emergence of Herbal Medicine

    Raja ChakrabortySaikat Sen

    $ 49.00

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    Practice and Re-emergence of Herbal Medicine

    Practice and Re-emergence of Herbal Medicine focuses on current research in Indian traditional medicine. Chapters cover many facets of herbal medicine, including quality control and experimental validation, intellectual property issues, pharmacovigilance and the therapeutic use of herbal medicine. The book informs readers about the effectiveness of traditional medicine systems, like Ayurveda and Siddha, in the region with reference to specific communities. The book also highlights herbal medications for diseases such as COVID-19, cancer and erectile dysfunction. The book is a timely reference for researchers interested in ethnobotany, alternative medicine and the practice of herbal medicine in indigenous communities.

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