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    Sachin Tyagi


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    Advanced Techniques

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    Advanced Techniques

    Sachin Tyagi

    $ 267.00

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    Advanced Techniques

    Horticulture holds significant importance in contemporary agriculture, and its scope is constantly expanding. What was once limited to vegetables, fruits, flowers, and postharvest technology has evolved to encompass areas such as disease, breeding, pathology, physiology, greenhouse technologies, and others. The Hi-Tech Horticulture book series has been designed with these advancements in mind, featuring contributions from esteemed professors and scientists. The series comprises six volumes, each focusing on a different aspect of horticulture. These include Crop Improvement, Nursery and Rootstock Management, Organic Farming and Sustainable Development Techniques, Improved Production Techniques, Plant Protection and Stress Management, Value Addition and Post-Harvest Management, and Advanced Techniques.

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