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    A.S. Mailappa


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    A Practical Manual on Geology and Soils

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    A Practical Manual on Geology and Soils

    A.S. Mailappa

    $ 90.00

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    A Practical Manual on Geology and Soils

    Soil Science is a specialized field that deals with a complex substance that is an integral part of various natural and practical systems. Geology is a practical science that has been established as an interdisciplinary subject within agriculture, soil and environmental science, as agriculturists and soil/environmental scientists heavily rely on geological knowledge and information to apply in their field. This book is an easy-to-use reference guide for undergraduate students of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Forestry. The author has drawn from their academic and professional experience to present a comprehensive overview of all aspects of geology and soils, and the book is written in a clear and concise manner. This book is primarily intended for students and scientists in agriculture and related fields, who require a foundational understanding of soil science and its application in crop growth.

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