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    Divya Gupta Chowdhry


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    Advances in Agri-Management: General Management Business Development and Innovative Practices

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    Advances in Agri-Management: General Management Business Development and Innovative Practices

    Rakhi GuptaRakesh SinghDivya Gupta Chowdhry

    $ 285.00

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    Advances in Agri-Management: General Management Business Development and Innovative Practices

    "Economics, which was once thought of as a static discipline, is now recognized as a dynamic field of study. In a developing country with a mixed economy, the economy is constantly evolving, and the government is implementing new policies that impact the daily lives of citizens and test the ability of business owners to adapt. Every day, we are faced with decisions that require us to make the most of our resources in order to meet our basic needs. The book "Advances in Agri-Management" has been published with the goal of enhancing the knowledge of students and anyone else interested in the subject matter. The primary objective of the publication is to provide the academic community with insights and support for managing businesses in developing economies. This book is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of agri-management and to offer suggestions for future research in the field. "

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