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    Aino-Kaisa Koistinen

    Postdoctoral Researcher   Sähköposti: Puhelinnumero: +358408053592 Oppiaine: Nykykulttuurin tutkimus / Contemporary Culture Studies Huone: Educa D315 Tutkimuksesta / About research: My research demonstrates how the media shape social reality by framing or representing concepts such as gender, sexuality and, more broadly, humanity. My work is relevant for media users and producers that encounter the media in their everyday lives, and thus also experience their influence. Tutkimusintressit / Research interests: spekulatiivinen fiktio, posthumanismi, mediakulttuuri, populaarikulttuuri, sukupuolentutkimus / speculative fiction, posthumanism, media culture, popular culture, gender  studiesPostdoctoral Researcher   Sähköposti: Puhelinnumero: +358408053592 Oppiaine: Nykykulttuurin tutkimus / Contemporary Culture Studies Huone: Educa D315 Tutkimuksesta / About research: My research demonstrates how the media shape social reality by framing or representing concepts such as gender, sexuality and, more broadly, humanity. My work is relevant for media users and producers that encounter the media in their everyday lives, and thus also experience their influence. Tutkimusintressit / Research interests: spekulatiivinen fiktio, posthumanismi, mediakulttuuri, populaarikulttuuri, sukupuolentutkimus / speculative fiction, posthumanism, media culture, popular culture, gender  studies

    Aino-Kaisa Koistinen

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    Intercultural Dialogue in the European Education Policies:A Conceptual Approach

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    Intercultural Dialogue in the European Education Policies:A Conceptual Approach

    Tuuli LähdesmäkiAino-Kaisa KoistinenSusanne C. Ylönen


    About Aino-Kaisa Koistinen

    Postdoctoral Researcher   Sähköposti: Puhelinnumero: +358408053592 Oppiaine: Nykykulttuurin tutkimus / Contemporary Culture Studies Huone: Educa D315 Tutkimuksesta / About research: My research demonstrates how the media shape social reality by framing or representing concepts such as gender, sexuality and, more broadly, humanity. My work is relevant for media users and producers that encounter the media in their everyday lives, and thus also experience their influence. Tutkimusintressit / Research interests: spekulatiivinen fiktio, posthumanismi, mediakulttuuri, populaarikulttuuri, sukupuolentutkimus / speculative fiction, posthumanism, media culture, popular culture, gender  studies

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    Intercultural Dialogue in the European Education Policies:A Conceptual Approach

    This open access book analyses intercultural dialogue as a concept, policy and ideal in European education policy documentation. The core European transnational organizations – the Council of Europe and the European Union – have actively promoted policies to engender inclusive societies and respond to challenges that diversification may entail. This book, in turn, offers suggestions for improving education policies in super-diversified Europe and beyond, where there is an increasing need for cultural understanding and constructive dialogue. The authors utilize concept analysis to reveal how these organizations seek to deal with dialogue between cultures, as well as weight given to cultural differences and intercultural encounters. This book will be of interest and value to scholars of intercultural dialogue and European education policies.

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