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    Brian M. Forster

    Dr. Forster is the laboratory coordinator for the General Education Program Natural Sciences laboratory-based classes for students who are not majoring in science. With his classes, he has several ongoing pedagogical projects focused on (a) examining how science can be taught effectively to non-science majors and (b) topics in microbiology education. Consultant/Math Instructor (2004-2008), Tottenville High School After-School/Saturday Academy, Staten Island, NY. Laboratory Coordinator, GEP Natural Sciences (2011-Present), Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA. Chemical Hygiene Officer (2018-Present)Dr. Forster is the laboratory coordinator for the General Education Program Natural Sciences laboratory-based classes for students who are not majoring in science. With his classes, he has several ongoing pedagogical projects focused on (a) examining how science can be taught effectively to non-science majors and (b) topics in microbiology education. Consultant/Math Instructor (2004-2008), Tottenville High School After-School/Saturday Academy, Staten Island, NY. Laboratory Coordinator, GEP Natural Sciences (2011-Present), Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA. Chemical Hygiene Officer (2018-Present)

    Brian M. Forster

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    Nina ParkerMark SchneegurtAnh-Hue Thi TuPhilip ListerBrian M. Forster


    Dr. Forster is the laboratory coordinator for the General Education Program Natural Sciences laboratory-based classes for students who are not majoring in science. With his classes, he has several ongoing pedagogical projects focused on (a) examining how science can be taught effectively to non-science majors and (b) topics in microbiology education. Consultant/Math Instructor (2004-2008), Tottenville High School After-School/Saturday Academy, Staten Island, NY. Laboratory Coordinator, GEP Natural Sciences (2011-Present), Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA. Chemical Hygiene Officer (2018-Present)

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    Microbiology is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester Microbiology course for non-majors. The book presents the core concepts of microbiology with a focus on applications for careers in allied health. The pedagogical features of Microbiology make the material interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the career-application focus and scientific rigour inherent in the subject matter.

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