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    Kamal Kumar

    Kamal Kumar

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    Cross-Industry Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Industry 4.0

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    Cross-Industry Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Industry 4.0

    Rajesh SinghAnita GehlotBhoveshkumar C. DharmaniKamal Kumar

    $ 39.00

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    Cross-Industry Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Industry 4.0

    Blockchain technology is part of the 4th industrialrevolution of Industry and has generated a lot of potential for stakeholders and endusers. From Bitcoin and Ethereum, to the third-generation of blockchains, thetechnology has transformed the digital landscape in many industrial sectors. Cross-IndustryBlockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Industry 4.0 explores the role of blockchains in industry 4.0across multiple industries. It covers the problems and new frontiersencountered by engineers and professionals for commercial and technical use. The range of Blockchain applicationscovered in the book include finance, big data, health industry,hydrophonics, and vehicle ad hoc networks. General readers and industryprofessionals interested in Blockchain technology and industry 4.0 will findinteresting information about current tech trends in this space.

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