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    David Shapiro

    Biography: Labor Economics Economic Demography Economic Development Human Resources Economics of EducationBiography: Labor Economics Economic Demography Economic Development Human Resources Economics of Education

    David Shapiro

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    Aynı yazar tarafından yazılan bu kitaplara da ilgi duyabilirsiniz.

    Principles of Macroeconomics for AP® Courses 2e

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    Principles of Macroeconomics for AP® Courses 2e

    Steven A. GreenlawDavid Shapiro


    Biography: Labor Economics Economic Demography Economic Development Human Resources Economics of Education

    En popüler

    Principles of Microeconomics for AP® Courses 2e

    Principles of Microeconomics for AP® Courses 2e covers the scope and sequence requirements for an Advanced Placement® microeconomics course and is listed on the College Board’s AP® example textbook list. The second edition includes many current examples and recent data from FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data), which are presented in a politically equitable way. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of economics concepts.

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