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Jeff Sanny

Dr. Jeff Sanny received his B. S. from Harvey Mudd College and his Ph. D. from UCLA in experimental solid state physics. His research interests were primarily in the low-temperature magnetic properties of quasi one-dimensional crystals. These were studied using electron spin resonance in the millikelvin temperature range, which is achieved using a dilution refrigerator.Dr. Jeff Sanny received his B. S. from Harvey Mudd College and his Ph. D. from UCLA in experimental solid state physics. His research interests were primarily in the low-temperature magnetic properties of quasi one-dimensional crystals. These were studied using electron spin resonance in the millikelvin temperature range, which is achieved using a dilution refrigerator.

Jeff Sanny

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About Jeff Sanny

Dr. Jeff Sanny received his B. S. from Harvey Mudd College and his Ph. D. from UCLA in experimental solid state physics. His research interests were primarily in the low-temperature magnetic properties of quasi one-dimensional crystals. These were studied using electron spin resonance in the millikelvin temperature range, which is achieved using a dilution refrigerator.

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Fizyka dla szkół wyższych Tom 1

Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 1 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i układu treści do typowych kursów wprowadzających z fizyki ogólnej opartych na analizie matematycznej. Podręcznik kładzie nacisk na powiązania między teorią a praktycznymi zastosowaniami, wyjaśniając zagadnienia fizyczne w ciekawy i zrozumiały sposób, lecz z zachowaniem niezbędnego rygoru matematycznego. Liczne, dobrze dobrane przykłady pokazują, jak podejść do zadania, jak wykorzystać wzory i wreszcie jak sprawdzić i uogólnić wynik. Pytania prosimy wysyłać na adres has partnered with Katalyst Education to bring free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks to Poland as part of a new effort to internationalize OpenStax’s free open textbook model. Fizyka dla szkół wyższych is the first Polish title to be published under this agreement.

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