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    Tammie Bolling

    Dr. Tammie Bolling is a tenured professor and holds the Computer Information Technology Chair position at Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) in Knoxville Tennessee (USA). She is a 2022 Fulbright recipient to Atlantic Technological University in Ireland, where she will be guest lecturing in Digital Healthcare, Master of Research True Research, Big Data Analytics, BSc (Hons) Healthcare Innovations and Technology programs, consulting with various organizations, conducting research, and guest speaking at other universities in Ireland. Dr. Bolling is also a PSCC Mobile Fellow and an avid mobile technology researcher. She has previously designed various courses to be delivered via mobile technologies. Dr. Bolling constantly reviews and tests technologies to be used in a wide variety of instructional and business settings.Dr. Tammie Bolling is a tenured professor and holds the Computer Information Technology Chair position at Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) in Knoxville Tennessee (USA). She is a 2022 Fulbright recipient to Atlantic Technological University in Ireland, where she will be guest lecturing in Digital Healthcare, Master of Research True Research, Big Data Analytics, BSc (Hons) Healthcare Innovations and Technology programs, consulting with various organizations, conducting research, and guest speaking at other universities in Ireland. Dr. Bolling is also a PSCC Mobile Fellow and an avid mobile technology researcher. She has previously designed various courses to be delivered via mobile technologies. Dr. Bolling constantly reviews and tests technologies to be used in a wide variety of instructional and business settings.

    Tammie Bolling



    Workplace Software and Skills



    Workplace Software and Skills

    Tammie BollingAngela MitchellTanya ScottNyrobi Wheeler



    Dr. Tammie Bolling is a tenured professor and holds the Computer Information Technology Chair position at Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) in Knoxville Tennessee (USA). She is a 2022 Fulbright recipient to Atlantic Technological University in Ireland, where she will be guest lecturing in Digital Healthcare, Master of Research True Research, Big Data Analytics, BSc (Hons) Healthcare Innovations and Technology programs, consulting with various organizations, conducting research, and guest speaking at other universities in Ireland. Dr. Bolling is also a PSCC Mobile Fellow and an avid mobile technology researcher. She has previously designed various courses to be delivered via mobile technologies. Dr. Bolling constantly reviews and tests technologies to be used in a wide variety of instructional and business settings.


    Workplace Software and Skills

    Workplace Software and Skills is designed to flexibly support a range of courses covering computer literacy, Microsoft Office, and Google Suite applications. The textbook covers both hard and soft skills that are applicable to a broad range of academic majors and careers. Chapters combine studio learning and guided practice with scaffolded activities designed to reinforce a student’s ability to perform higher-order tasks independently. Workplace Software and Skills leverages complementary product features in spreadsheet, word processing, presentation, and similar applications. Modules are designed for maximum flexibility by including both Microsoft Office Suite and Google Suite applications, in order to best reflect the skills needed for today’s workforce. Authentic activities and real-world contexts develop a cumulative and thorough understanding, which reinforces the importance of cross-platform proficiency. Highly visible features also note Apple/Mac functions as needed.




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